BAC Leo Club’s Secret Valentine

Ever wanted to send your crush a Valentine’s gift but felt too shy? BAC Leo Club had your back this year. From 14th February to 22nd February, they held their ‘Secret Valentine 4.0’ event. The Leo Club wanted to bring some love into the world by selling Valentine’s gift boxes. Their objective? To provide physical delivery service for the chocolate bouquet buyers, where each chocolate bouquet was sent to the specific location requested by the buyers.

There were 2 sets available. Set A offered assorted candy worth RM25, while Set B offered assorted candy with a reversible octopus plushie, worth RM29. They also offered a chocolate bouquet worth RM25, which even had colour options. All of these came with the option of a photo printing add on.
On the 14th of February, the Leo Club opened a booth on the ground floor of the PJ Campus opposite BACteria, to sell their goodies. They also used that time to make a few recipients very happy by delivering the gift boxes to them. The team even drove out of campus, ready to deliver gift boxes and bouquets right to the recipient’s doorstep. However, some did choose to collect the gift boxes themselves.

In the end, 7 Set A gift boxes were sold and 1 Set B gift box was sold, with 1 photo add on. As for the chocolate bouquets, 30 were sold! The Leo Club made a profit of RM355.30 that week.
Looking back, the event went well; the organising committee managed to deliver all the gifts in time and everything went off without a hitch. They all unanimously stated that they achieved the objective they set out to do, seeing as there were no damages or errors.

Leo President Schumeichel Woo stated that “the Leo Club of BAC would like to continue the Secret Valentine Project in the future with further improvements and ideas; in order to make the project a bigger success,”
If you didn’t manage to send a gift to your valentine this year, be sure to look out for the Leo Club’s Secret Valentine project next year!